Specializes in performance swimwear
We carry polyester swimwear (the durable stuff!)


Arena 1-piece G Solid Swim Pro Junior

The sizes go by age, so for example, size 10 would generally fit those of 10 year olds, 12 would fit 12 year olds and so on.

FINZ Blue Special Stock

Indigo Blue junior training suits that are perfect for team members that wear blue as their team color!

FINZ Olympian RED Girl's 1pc

This is a red 1-piece training suit for those who are enrolled in Langley / Abbotsford Olympian swim club.
The collection is a special bulk order for SeaSide Swim & Sport from the Australian brand FINZ (Designed in Australia, Made in Canada).
Specializes in performance swimwear
We carry polyester swimwear (the durable stuff!)